801 s Grand 1910, Los Angeles, CA 90017
#1910 is a condo that Media Carrot has photographed for our client Kerry Marsico at Coldwell Banker www.KerryMarsico.com, three times now. It's an interesting challenge I think many realtors have in trying to guide their clients to show their properties in the best light. The first time we photographed this 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom 1930 sq ft., it had occupants. I won't show you those photos. Kerry and I spent a lot of time moving things around to show it in the best light. Luckily a month later, when the tenants had moved and the condo had been cleaned, we came back for our second shoot. It was a vast improvement from the previous photos...however, Kerry knew that this property needed to be staged. This is one of those condos that needs that definition that proper staging gives. Finally, a few weeks ago, we were back for the third shoot with that staging. Staging was exactly what this property needed. Take a look at how the staging really works to define and show the space.