Notes from HR: Meet the MediaCarrot team!
Hello everyone, Belle here. As the Human Resources Manager, I've been tasked with introducing you to our MediaCarrot team. So Let's get started.
First off, me. I make sure all employees happily get along and know when it's time to take a break and eat.
Our owner and her assistant. Our owner is the one who takes all the fabulous pictures of homes, apartments, and remodeling. She makes sure every picture will help catch the eye of buyers and renters looking for a new place.
She also spends a weird amount of time hiding from herself in bathroom mirrors, but we don't hold that against her.
Her assistant has color changing hair and types up all our blogs and Instagram posts. She also sets up the websites for our clients.
Next is my sister, Tula. She is our main Public Relations puppy. If you ever visit our MediaCarrot HQ she will be the first to greet you. She takes her job very seriously.
This is our CFO, or Chief Fuzzy Advisor, Amy. She makes sure all our sleep spots are just the right amount of cozy. She is always ready to help our owner or assistant focus on the computer when they need to.
Our Chief Ego Officer (CEO), Penny, likes to make sure we always stay on task and stay humble. She has this really neat ability to sit like a human on the couch.
Last but not least is the newest member of team MediaCarrot, Tiny Intern. She has so much energy and a sense of humor that I just love. She only has three years of life experience. By dog standards she's just a puppy and she's still learning.
Like today she learned that if she shouts "oh the heck!" when she dumps water on the floor our owner and assistant laugh a lot.